Moin, moin. Auch, wenn ich seit mehr als 50 Jahren Deutsch spreche, werde ich den restlichen pathetischen Käse auf Englisch verzapfen.

My name is Bakery. Really. If you don’t want to believe it I can’t not change and it goes me on my ass along. I came without my family because my dad is afraid of planes. hihi. Today I can say I have the greatest family of all families, the Vollpfosten-family. They believe me everthing. Stupid like the gambia goverment.

You, Helmet-Peter, becames my father, my mother and my gardener. Thank you. I would like to say thank you to my president Marcell, to my friend Tütü Pletzi and to my manager, who help me to write this shit.

Really, when I saw this fuck from the Sport Picture the first time I thought I spider. Bacary, thought I, there becames the dog in the pan crazy. I like to thank adidas, the Grand Elysee Hotel Hamburg, the Block House (very good meat there, really), the Mercedes Departement Hamburg, Alster House, Pirelli Tires and my bodyguards Timothey and Tony. My lovely mister singing club, I have a lot of people to thank.

There are two people I’d like to point out especially , because I will thank them not: Bernd Hoffmann and Mr. Kottzgen. Every time when I see one of them I want to make myself me-nothing you-nothing out of the dust. I smear. There is a wonderful word that I learnd form Mr. Trump he is the most nice man overhaupt. He loves black people I hear. The word is witchhunt I can use it every time. So – witchhunt. Shame on the Sport Picture for this smear campaigne. What a luck that nobody knows from the new Nike-Deal they offered my after the scandal.

By the way, the simple answer because I don’t counter the attacks: They are right 🙂 And it’s me equal what you are thinking but I live a better live than before. It’s doch not important If I’m 21 oder 31, how cares? You have to see this case more moral and not legal. Ask the press they will tell you. The things I experienced in Karlsruhe where the worst feelings in my live. Hart to believe, I know, if you think that I fled as a kid from Afrika without parents but everybody with a brain knows that this story was a joke (hihi)

I know that I’m not a good player as Papadopuklops or Gideon but in Gambia I had to run more than 300 years over the outside line to get the money this idiots give me in Hamburg. I promise you: I will take the money and will tell you this slapstick story as long as another club comes and give me more money. And than you all can me sometimes. But I will never forget the HSV and all this handicaped fans, they are definitely the most hollow people in the world.

By the way, I want to thank the great St. Pauli supporters because I’m so gern on the kiez.

P.S. Und während sich all die kleinen Fanboys und Rumpeltrottel nach wie vor an einer Flüchtlingsstory aufgeilen, an der so gut wie alles stinkt, vergessen sie in ihrer moralischen Verblödung die wichtigen Dinge im Leben. Schade, dass der ansonsten so moral-starken deutschen und hamburger Sportpresse ein solcher Vorfall so gut wie keine Erwähnung wert ist, während man hier immer noch die Tränenbehälter für die Daffeh-Krokodilstränchen leeren muss. Werte Heuchler, fuck you!

Sahar Khodayari, 30, was arrested early last year when she tried to enter a stadium dressed as a man to watch her favourite team, Esteghlal FC, the Varzesh 3 sports news outlet said, citing her sister. The young woman known as the Iran “blue girl” has died from the wounds she suffered after setting herself on fire because she was forced to stand trial for trying to enter a soccer stadium disguised as a man. Iran bans women from entering soccer stadiums.
